When the good weather arrives, we feel like spending time out on the terrace or in the garden. However, the same goes for wasps. In homes that have a swimming pool in particular.
How do you chase away wasps from your garden?
There is a wide variety of remedies to scare off wasps. Although some are more effective and quicker than others, here are a few:
- Repellent plants and flowers: There are different types of plants and flowers that will help you chase away wasps. Examples include lavender, laurel, jasmine and basil. They are also perfect for sprucing up your garden.
- Lemon, vinegar, mint…: Another method that is widely used. These foods that you may come across in your kitchen, when mixed with water in a sprayer, will also help chase wasps away.
- Effective wasp repellent insecticide: If you want to get rid of them quickly and effectively, preventing them from coming back in time, use a special repellent insecticide.
At ORO Home, we offer the concentrated wasp repellent insecticide, suitable for use inside and outside your home alike. A quick and effective method of getting rid of them for good. Discover the range of ORO insecticides, to protect your home from annoying flying insects as the good weather arrives.